Harmony Harmony on and within Mother Earth is all around us. We can hear harmonious sounds, taste harmonious flavours and see harmonious colours in everyday nature which may inspire man-made arts. With man’s constant search for knowledge and pursuit to explain the unexplained, mathematical law and the measured representation of beauty was calculated by the ancient Greeks producing the Golden Ratio. These calculations were the basis for the numerical representation of infinity, an unreachable approximation which validates the presence of the possible existence of a supreme number. The Golden Ratio stems from the Golden Rectangle which is a recurring occurrence in nature in the form of the Fibonacci Spiral; seen in flowers, snail shells, pinecones, and other parts of nature. The Golden Rectangle and Fibonacci Spiral are used in the crafting of musical instruments such as the cello, violin and the eleven or twelve stringed, pear shaped instrument called the Oud. Due to Australi...