Showing posts from January, 2016
Vaginismus - Sharing an intensely personal and little talked about symptom of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Mairead Ashcroft 30/1/16
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One day while waiting for a train at the busiest Melbourne City station, I was suddenly gripped with severe, disabling pain. It reminded me of my past experiences of third stage labour, when the babies head would be in crowning position. The muscles in my vagina were cramped, I had shooting internal pain, I felt nauseated and thought that I was going to pass out. I gripped onto a rail to prevent myself from falling and as when giving birth to my children, did my best to breathe through this frightful experience. There was no relief for a good five minutes and then, like a leg cramp, the pain gradually subsided leaving me with a dull, bruised sensation. This was the start of a cycle of some terribly painful experiences. I immediately made an appointment with my doctor who organized further investigation with a gynaecologist who ruled out organic causes. I somehow new that what was going on was a somatic response so my next step was to speak to my psychologist. With her help, I was...
6 Steps To Turn Mindless Activities Into Mindful Ones : Colouring books for adults currently top a number of best seller lists. And they have become a staple in book stores, grocery stores and drug stores. But, let’s be clear, colouring in a book doesn't automatically mean that you’re being mindful.
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Thousands have been abused by Isis and their mental health is shattered Yazidi survivors of rape, violence and forced exile are getting help for physical ailments, but there is a crying need for mental health care - For the most part, thanks to super-human efforts by the Dohuk health department and support from NGOs, the physical medical needs of IDPs are being looked after. Their mental health, however, is a different story.
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Music - Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu - Wiyathul. In honour of Survival Day. If you ever get the opportunity to witness this man live don't pass up the chance. I have seen him a couple of times now and have been blown away each time.
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Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu - Wiyathul Two scrub fowl crying out, looking for Guwalil?a the calls like women crying, looking for Murrurr?awu the cries returning his mind to the jungles at Mutjmutj?a oh place Guwalil?a, Warra?ika, Yumay?a, m..m Oh the old man cries, from this drink oh dad Kampa-Dju?adju?a, home Maya?-?araka bright in his mind oh my two mums, beloved mums, hold Ruypu Milinditj oh my two mums, beloved mums, cry for the sacred spring Burarrapu oh the place Guwalil?a. Warra?ika, Yumay?a, m..m
What's to celebrate on Australia's 'apartheid day' of national shame? Only this: survival
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The unexpected math behind Van Gogh's "Starry Night" - Natalya St. Clair
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Aboriginal People Respond To “Australia Day” : I love Australia. I have a daughter born on 26th January called Matilda because she is a little parcel of precious gifts. I acknowledge the pain and suffering that the Australian Aboriginal people have suffered due to the rape, starvation, degradation and genocide of generations of their people and the decimation of country. I understand why Aboriginal peoples feel that the 26th January should be changed from "Australia Day" to "Survival Day" and I support the traditional owners of this land in decisions made by them.
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4 Reasons Not to Ghost Your Therapist What are you really avoiding? - There might be a number of reasons why you may choose to leave a therapist. Prior discussion within the therapeutic relationship can offer insights that you may not have realized so take the opportunity to speak up.
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4 Things an Empath Never Says (and You Shouldn't Either) Do you really know how to be there for someone who needs you?
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Why I Don’t Use the Word ‘Forgiveness’ in Trauma Therapy - By Anastasia Pollock, LCMHC, Posttraumatic Stress / Trauma Topic Expert Contributor
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How to Break Bad Habits - Some bad habits are anoying but some bad habits can be life thretening. Either way, the philosophy is still the same. Never remove an unhelpful habit without replacing it with something to fill the gap. Habits take time to form and time to change. Choose more positive behaviours and if you find it difficult to inlist friends or family member to support you, your doctor or other supports might be inlisted to help you on your way to achieve your goal.
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Why we all need to practice emotional first aid - Guy Winch asks us to take our emotional health as seriously as we take our physical health — and explores how to heal from common heartaches. I posted the Ted Talks version of this lecture some time ago. This is the full version (40 mins) well worth watching or listening to.
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Symptoms & Treatments of Mental Disorders: This is not a diognostic tool, just a minimal overview of how a mental health issue may present for an individual. Dr. Google can be harmful to your health so please don't jump to diognostic conclusions because without a doubt, everyone will be able to relate in some way to many of these disorders, particularly is something might be worrying you at the moment. Only an experienced, qualified mental health professional can make an actual diagnosis. If you have any mental health issues please see your doctor for a referral to a mental health specialist for further investigation.
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Thank You to the Hobson's Bay GBLTQI Community for inviting me to be part of the "Well of Being" Midsummer event at the Altona Library. I was wonderful to be part of such a meaningful and entertaining night. Check out Maria Katsonis, Beyond Blue ambassador and author of "The Good Greek Girl". Have a laugh at Linda, Nicole and Annette from "Stand up for Mental Health" and enjoy the Jaz/Swing/RnB tones of Steve Purcell's Pearly Shells.
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Why I am taking civil action against the Marianist Brothers. Mairead Ashcroft 14/1/16
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Sadly it has been documented that, "In 98% of all child abuse cases reported to officials, children’s statements were found to be true." (NSW Child Protection Council, cited in Dympna House 1998) I am in no way shocked by this statistic. Disclosing Childhood Sexual Abuse is a grueling experience. Hidden memories are often awakened, not only in the mind but also horrifyingly in the body. Whilst undertaking the criminal justice system, a survivor is often signing themselves up for years of triggering torture. Anger, grief and despair might also arise, particularly when the devastating and disappointing statistics of actually getting a conviction are realized. "Only 1 in 100 (1%) sex offenders in a given year ends up convicted of sexual assault. Each year in NSW, about 40,000 women will be sexually assaulted. About 1000 men will be brought to court for sexual assault and about 400 of those men will either plead guilty or get found guilty." (Weatherburn, D., ...
Existential Art : "The Midnight Archive is a new web series which aims to document the exotic, strange, eccentric and truly unique. Often dark and always on the fringe."
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Art Isn't Just Good For The Mind, It's Good For The Body Too And the two are more interconnected than you think.
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How to age powerfully—and what that means Dr Siobhan O'Dwyer - If you want to age powerfully, it’s important to understand that the benefits of exercise, nutrition and good mental health only come from years of consistent effort. And with research now suggesting that the biological changes underpinning Alzheimer’s disease start as long as 30 years before the onset of symptoms, it’s never too early to start thinking about the life you want when you’re 70. - See more at:
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Families & Carers Guides and resources for families, friends and others caring for someone with a mental illness.
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Top 10 TED Talks That Could Change Your Life : 10. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are, 9. The Power of Vulnerability, 8. The Mathematics of Love, 7. Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid, 6. I Am the Son of a Terrorist. Here’s How I Chose Peace. 5. How to Speak So That People Want to Listen.4. How to Make Hard Choices, 3. Why We Do What We Do, 2. You Can Grow New Brain Cells. Here’s How , 1. My Stroke of Insight
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