
Showing posts from January, 2014

Music - Estas Tonne - Internal Flight


The scientific power of music


Nature is magnificent !!!


As a child, due to his experience of being prejudiced for being a foreigner, this artist became very shy. Through the experience of drama and art he has come out of his shell.


What Is Consciousness? No one actually knows. There are numerous theories and many seem to have merit but none can give a definitive answer. Is there a definitive answer? If there is we are not there yet. On the other hand is it important that we know? I believe that each of us has a personal experience of consciousness. My belief is that every living thing is part of the consciousness of every other living thing. I believe that when I die my body will disintegrate back into a cellular substance and that my consciousness, like energy, will integrate into the rest of the energy that exists in the universe. I would love to know others thoughts on this.


Your state of mind or perspectives of life experiences have been proven to effect your physical health. Even those events that you may choose to ignore, unless dealt with psychologically and emotionally, can result in somatic symptoms.


Music- Relaxation, Meditation, Flute, Zen Music


Scientist confirm that music therapy improves brain function


How do we maintain sanity in a world that has gone insane?


The Paradox of choice. In today's capitalistic society of consumerism we are surrounded by choice, but with choice also comes a feeling for loss at the things that we did not chose.


Eckhart Tolle: Do we have a choice in suffering? ( please note that the reference to god is not an affiliation with any religion but a word used to insinuate what ever energy source that you connect with as your essence )


365 grateful is a wonderful project that encourages you to find one thing in your life per day and take a record of it. If you feel that this too difficult to manage just think about today and appreciate something. When done for a while this idea of thinking can become a natural pattern in your life and before you know it you might find many things to be grateful for every day. Like mindfulness, it is an enriching behavour that soon feels like a gift.


Music/poetry - Omnia. The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. The best rendition that I have ever experienced


Self portraits have helped me to discover a great deal about myself, the most telling being that I am an ever evolving, ever experiencing being. Creating a self portrait can open up undiscovered parts of self, not all of them pleasant but all of them offering insight.

Image A few of my own self portraits from over the years