Honouring Children’s Rights Conference 17th May 2017 https://www.whiteribbon.org.au/understand-domestic-violence/what-is-domestic-violence/cycle-of-violence/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAk-7jBRD9ARIsAEy8mh45HE3Ne2oBm_MG7QwXtyGacGzmY4pzzHntk5WDezio1x27k2xTM_waAo0CEALw_wcB
Entertainment that is Sensational, Creative and badass do-goodery. The Imperial OPA Circus is Atlanta\'s home town circus out to be inspirational and do
ReplyDeleteAerial performer
Hey Leela, I just checked out The Imperial OPA Circus web sight. It looks great and I love the costuming style. A group called Circus Oz in Australia seems very like your organisation. Involved in community and bringing magic and wonder to all. Great stuff.http://www.circusoz.com/