Journal keeping hints for TRIBE Transformation Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse group members
There are many ways to keep a journal. Some people document times, places, people and memories. Some people may spend hours combing magazines for images or words that are meaningful to them and others may write one word to sum up what is going on for them. Some people (and I am one of them) create images in the form of painting, drawing and then add a date and have a conversation with the image to find out what hidden insights it might have for them. The date is important so that you can look at patterns of behavior, recurring issues and personal growth among other things. You may be a poet, photographer, dancer or film maker. The list of processes to express your inner world and life experiences is endless.

The purpose of journaling in the TRIBE Transformation Support Group is to offer yourself a valuable opportunity to reflect and bring into consciousness, your own wants and needs with regard to transformation and healing. Then , in group, you may find that another member may also be struggling with a similar issue or may have experienced a positive way to deal with a similar issue. It might seem like a difficult task at first , another thing that you need to get done but the beauty of this kind of journal keeping is that your input is totally up up you. You are not compulsorily required to share your journal content either on a fortnightly basis or at all. Your input into group work is your choice but experiences as both a client and facilitator have shown me that journal keeping and group sessions can be more beneficial for you and the other group members if all members participate. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with others who may have had similar life experiences can break down possible feelings of isolation and offer new insights and perspectives.
Good luck and Live your Bliss Mairead
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