This afternoon Suppression orders were lifted against me and others so that I might now warn the world about my abuser. I was not the only survivor involved in this case. 4 of us came forward but I am sure that there are more. Sadly today Brother Bernard Joseph Hartman was found not guilty of charges against one male survivor. My heart goes out to him and all survivors at this time and always. I am feeling very sad that I have needed to subject myself and others to the terrible ordeal of facing my abuser in court. It is not over yet.We have court again on 8th of July to give our impact statements. Hartman is still a free man until sentencing some time in July/August. The charges of indecent assault, had they occurred today, would have been RAPE. This man RAPED me and other children. Because it happened in the 70's he is being charged with the crimes as they were stated in the 70's. It is time for this law to change. My hope is that my hard work in the Victorian inquiry into Child Abuse in Religious and Other Organisations and my appearance in the Royal Commission might make perpetrators face harsher charges in the future.


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