Hi Everyone!!! I have been very busy over the past month. My husband and I have down sized to accommodation that helps us manage his health better. We are now child free and although they are all adults and 5 out of 7 of them are feet tall and over, they will always be my babies. I have not been able to work on my book "The Circle of Genuine Meaning." but my editor has just sent me a heap of work to get on with so I am really looking forward to getting stuck into the finishing touches. The greatest news is that I have adopted Moon Shadow (formally a dog with no name) She is a beautiful, smart, smoochy and delightful 3 year old English Staffy x Jack Russel who has melted my heart. She was rescued from a puppy farm where she had already had 3 litters and 8 little puppies before she was even 3 years old. Her life today consists of 3 long walks per day, socializing with other friendly dogs every day, lounging around on the couch, being cuddled by our kids and grandkids when they visit and tonight she will be attending her very first art therapy group with me at my work place, The Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre in Altona Melbourne. We have a long way to go until she qualifies as a therapy dog but she is well on her way.


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