When we experience extreme grief we might also experience physical symptoms that reflect our emotional pain. One way that we often describe this intensity, is heart ache and heart break. We may feel as if our hearts are being crushed, trampled on, torn apart or shredded. Some people may experience such pains that they fit the patters and severity of having a heart attack as known in it's organic form, sudden onset of chest pain, lack of oxygen and other mimicking symptoms. I have been undergoing far from typical, every day stress and although previously diagnosed with an existing heart condition, feel that my recent worsening symptoms may be due to the string of stressful weeks that have passed. Week 7 - 3 year old grandson diagnosed with kidney cancer followed by 6 weeks chemo and surgery today. Week 6 - Youngest son broke thumb requiring surgery. Week 5 - Husband diagnosed malignant melanoma requiring surgery Week 4 - My childhood sexual abuser released from jail to retu...