
Showing posts from March, 2019

Advanced Animal Assisted Psychotherapy team. By Mairead Ashcroft 31/3/2019

Moon Shadow and I have spent the past week upgrading our Therapy Dog qualifications. After intensive training and testing at Alpha Canine Professionals and having been put through simulated counselling situations by Lead The Way Institute , Moon Shadow is now classed as an Advanced Therapy Dog, and Co -Therapist in our little psychotherapy team.   Particular attention was payed to her responses to human emotional ques, from crying, laughing and shouting, to the more subtle body gestures such as introverted body postures and nervous ticks to energetic covert and more elusive, overt aggression ques. Moon Shadow has shown aptitude for relational subtleties. Working with a Therapy Dog at this level will enable clients to experience lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone which we carry in our blood stream in times of stress. With lower levels , we can think with clearer minds, breath with less constriction and lower our heart rates, leading to an overall experience of better we...

Art Therapy and PTSD - Coloring has especially become instrumental as I recover from PTSD : By youwillbearwitness

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Music : Message To Bears - Departures (Full Album)


Indigenous healers find a place alongside doctors and nurses : By Douglas Smith


The Hero's Journey according to Joseph Campbell - video by Matthew Winkler and Kirill Yeretsky

Honouring Children’s Rights .

A Body Scan Meditation to Help You Sleep Explore this guided meditation to calm your body, bring mindful curiosity and openness to the present moment, and improve your quality of sleep : By Diana Winston

Image Honouring Children’s Rights

What To Do When Worry Keeps You Awake Behavioral sleep expert Jared Minkel explains four ways to quiet a racing mind and sleep more soundly : By Nicole Bayes-Fleming

Image Honouring Children’s Rights

How Can We Grow Emotionally? By School of Life


How to create a self-care routine that actually sticks Self-care strategies : By Women Fitness Magazine

Image Honouring Children’s Rights

Music - Arrival of the Birds (Extended)


Ryan - Addiction, Health Challenges : By Chris Landreth - UnLonely Film Festival 2

Image Play Button is Not Linked, Please Use Above Link R yan Ryan is a portrait of Ryan Larkin, a renowned Canadian animator when his life is a wrenching mix of substance abuse, homelessness, panhandling and mental illness.  The film uses interviews with Larkin and his friends and colleagues as well as excerpts from his own animations in creating an extraordinarily beautiful, dynamic, discombobulated and disturbing visual experience reflecting Larkin’s reality. Note: After the release of  Ryan  and attendant fame, Larkin had a period of renewal and worked again in animation before his death.

Chronic Pain and Art Therapy : By PainPathways Magazine


Simple and Easy Doodle Art Ideas - Are you a big fan of superheroes?Take inspiration from this article featuring superhero fan art ideas by imaginative illustrators and create a fabulous master piece. ENJOY! By Free Jupiter


Five Things to Help our Children (and Ourselves) after a Traumatic Event : By Gretchen Schmelzer

Image Honouring Children’s Rights

Examining Child Maltreatment Through a Neurodevelopmental Lens: Clinical Applications of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics : By Bruce Perry

Image Honouring Children’s Rights

The Lost Practice of Resting One Day Each Week : By Joshua Becker


Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators : The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Image Honouring Children’s Rights

Literature review – a trauma-sensitive approach for children aged 0-8years -Trauma and young children – a caring approach project Women’s Health Goulburn North East, 2012

I have no intellectual input to any materials in this PDF Honouring Children’s Rights

The Courage of Parenting When You Have A History of Trauma : Gretchen Schmelzer


37 Techniques to Calm an Anxious Child : By Renee Jain

Image Honouring Children’s Rights

Human memory: How we make, remember, and forget memories Human memory happens in many parts of the brain at once, and some types of memories stick around longer than others : By Michael Greshko


The Lifelong Effects of Early Childhood Adversity and Toxic Stress - American Academy of Pediatrics, Jack P. Shonkoff, Andrew S. Garner,

THE COMMITTEE ON PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH, COMMITTEE ON EARLY CHILDHOOD, ADOPTION, AND DEPENDENT CARE, AND SECTION ON DEVELOPMENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS -  Benjamin S. Siegel , Mary I. Dobbins , Marian F. Earls , Andrew S. Garner , Laura McGuinn , John Pascoe , David L. Wood : Pediatrics January 2012, VOLUME 129 / ISSUE 1 Honouring Children’s Rights

An Inquiring Practice to Notice the Body This 20-minute guided meditation from Jon Kabat-Zinn explores embracing sensations as they arise in the body in order to ground ourselves in the here and now : By Jon Kabat-Zinn

Image Honouring Children’s Rights

One overlooked way we can significantly improve our mental health: more nature

Image Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, poor health or other life experiences, it may not be possible for us to get outside when we wish. At these times. we can bring nature from outside, into our minds, through the use of mindful meditation. At the end of this article you will find a video - Watch : 11 Meditation Apps to Help You De-Stress. Some apps are free and others cost a fee. Honouring Children’s Rights

What if There's Nothing Wrong With You : By Susan Henkels


WHAT IS HISTORICAL TRAUMA? : By Social Justice Report, 2008, Australian Human Rights Commission

"Essentially, the devastating trauma of genocide, loss of culture, and forcible removal from family and communities are all unresolved and become a sort of ‘psychological baggage... continuously being acted out and recreated in contemporary Aboriginal culture’." Honouring Children’s Rights .

Intergenerational trauma Why many Indigenous Australians can't simply 'get over it' and 'move on'.

Image Honouring Children’s Rights .

Is It a Bad Day or Is it Burnout? - How to identify the symptoms and navigate your way through burnout : By Shelly Tygielski

Image   Honouring Children’s Rights .

Music :Black Hill & Silent Island - Tales of the night forest [Full Album]


How to Teach Your Kids about Their Inner Critic - Children need ease and fun when it comes to difficult tasks like challenging negative self-talk, says Dr. Hazel Harrison. She introduces “The Critical Critter” for exploring self-critical thoughts with your child : By Hazel Harrison

Image Honouring Children’s Rights .

How Educators Can Become More Resilient This School Year A new book offers practical tips to help teachers overcome challenges and stress : By Amy L. Eva

Image Honouring Children’s Rights

Tune in: Three Guided Meditations to Conquer Anxiety and Build Resilience - Explore these practices hand-picked by the Mindful Editors to help you cultivate inner strength : By Mindful Staff


8 Yoga Poses for Stress Relief For Kids : By Ashleigh Saponare

Image Honouring Children’s Rights 17th May

PANDA - For 35 years PANDA has been supporting individuals and families to recover from perinatal anxiety and depression

  Honouring Children’s Rights Conference 17th May 2019

What is the cycle of violence? : By White Ribbon Australia

Honouring Children’s Rights Conference 17th May 2017

What is trauma? Phoenix Australia- Center for Post Traumatic Mental Health


Trauma in Children…and What We Can Do to Help : By Seek Freaks

Honouring Children’s Rights Conference 17th May 2019

Stephen Porges - Polyvagal Theory: how your body makes the decision

Honouring Children’s Rights Conference 17th May 2019

10 Emotion-Coaching Phrases to Use When Your Child is Upset : Nurture and Thrive

Honouring Children’s Rights Conference 17th May 2019

Study finds humor is associated with positive outcomes in psychotherapy : By Eric W. Dolan

This is something that practitioners have known forever. Engaging in humorous language, acts, creativity and attitudes, in a positive lite, as a way of facing life's difficulties rather than escaping or indulging in distain for them, can provide therapeutic outcomes.

Important Tips on How to Let Go and Free Yourself - Twelve tips on how to let go so you can have personal freedom : By Ilene Strauss Cohen Ph.D.
