Post traumatic stress disorder can present a variety of difficult experiences for those who are under it's grip. My responses to the childhood trauma and PTSD have been hyper-vigilance, nightmares, flashbacks, difficulty in social situations, confusion of thought, inability to relax in crowds, dissociation, numbness, disconnect from the body and over thinking which have lead to overwhelming tiredness. A new experience had developed over recent months since the recent arrest of Brother Bernard Hartman, the man who sexually abused me as a child. I have struggled being alone in my home. In the past I have really enjoyed having some me time. I would paint and draw, listen to music, read, garden and whatever else I fancied, but during the past 5 months, noises and thoughts seemed to become louder, time seemed to loose meaning and my focus became very serious, almost macabre. I seemed to hold a fatalistic view of the world that was magnified when I was on my own. I felt as though I was s...